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Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) Approach

CIFE defines Virtual Design and 8 Construction (VDC) as “the use of multi-disciplinary performance models of design-construction projects, including the Product (i.e., facilities), Work Processes and Organization of the design - construction - operation team in order to support business objectives” (Fischer et al, 2004)


VDC has 3 objectives, and they are the following, througn the use of virtual models of product, organization and processes.

1. To simulate the complexities of the construction project delivery

2. Understand pitfalls project teams are likely to encounter

3. Analyse these pitfalls and address them in a virtual world before

any of the construction work ever takes place in the real world


BIMaginary is tendering for the project using the VDC Approach. Using BIM, we will approach design and construction of SIT's new campus in 8 Dimensions:







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